
A Threefold Cord
Creation, Redemption, Dominion
Thinking Like Jesus

2nd Edition Updates
See the trailer here.
Christian Faith Publishers

Everything that exists is proof of the existence of the biblical God. The world is drowning in a shoreless and bottomless ocean of beliefs. Thinking like Jesus helps us overcome the mental barriers that prevent people from seeing the truth that will set them free.

These are the handouts used in the class.
Class Overview
The Miracle of Reason

Now available at:
Barnes & Noble
iTunes - Apple Books
Dymocks, Australia

Mailing address:
1903 S Greeley Hwy #247
Cheyenne, WY 82007
For info call: 307.631.2104
Email: mphays633@gmail.com
Email: michael@criticalmass.pro



Following Jesus every day, all the way, without compromise.
